Most people don't know that I have two brothers. Both go by the name Samuel. One is my whole brother, the other is my half.
I grew up with my whole brother Sam. I've known him since the day he was born. He is 20 now. When my Dad passed he left behind his girlfriend Diana who was about 5 months pregnant with my half brother. Who she named Rudolfo Samuel De Leon, who is now 13 and goes by Sammy.
If life makes up the pieces to who we are as a puzzle. My sister, brother and I are pieces of my Dad. Pieces my half brother Sammy could use to make up a part of his life's puzzle.
He really appreciates getting to know any part of our Dad's family. I love getting to know him. I hope I'm always able to be a part of his life. It was really good to see him after so long, and re-learn once again that he is a really cool kid.