Dec: 3rd. Today I woke up in a great mood. By that I mean, I hopped right out of bed and straight over to the coffee machine. Hey, it’s baby steps remember. My goal is to NOT dread getting out of bed each morning. Today, was Aidan’s 8th birthday party. It was a great party. Watching Aidan smile and laugh and play brings me joy. Seeing people come together to celebrate Aidan makes me happy. He is a good kid and has a good heart and a great perspective. That’s why his birthday this year was themed “The GR8 eight”.
Dec 4th. At 2:30 AM I was still awake. After all 9 kids who slept over went home for the day Paris and I took a 3 hour nap and it was wonderful. When I woke up we spent the entire day as a family doing nothing. I love days when we do nothing. Even when we’re at home with nothing planned we’re always doing something. But not today. Today we sat around and watched football How ’bout them Ducks!. Then we play fought as a family, I busted out my made up karate moves, but Adam remains champion and after that we played bop it. Once the kids were in bed I watched “Eclipse” for the 1st time in months, then I slept 9 more hours! A good sleep makes me happy. Not to much, not to little puts a smile on my face!
Dec 5th. Today was Sunday and we went to church. I took the time to get ready today after 3 days of t-shirts ponytails & pajamas. I love “getting ready” I feel way more confident when I like the way I look. Taking that hour for myself makes my whole day better! And it's not for anyone else, if I do my hair put on some make up and dress in something other than a tshirt & ponytail it's for me and only me. Church was lovely. Everything it should be, my heart was ready to worship, my ears ready to listen, my mind set on learning. Church=happy, getting ready=happy.
I want to re-establish my purpose in all this. Almost everyday, well pretty much everyday I experience frustration. I can’t say the same for happiness. Right now I feel like happiness is screaming inside me “that’s not fair, frustration gets more of you than I do”. Happiness is right. It’s not fair. My goal in this is to experience happiness daily. So far, so good.