With that being said I must confess, I'm stuck on Ash. I like that he creeps into our room. I love hearing him breathe all night, I like holding his sweet little giant feet in my hands, I like snuggling close to his chubby little tummy. I like when the early morning hall light beams through the door and shines light on his perfect little face, allowing me to stare, admire and enjoy a little piece of toddler-hood that I will ever miss so much. Because let's face it teen-agers don't creep into bed with you and snuggle and really if they did I'm thinking it would be just a little awkward.
I asked myself a tough question today. If I could keep Asher at 2 1/2 forever would I? My answer is YES. Now ask me that again when he is running around the house like a mad man and perhaps I'll respond differently...perhaps. Happy 2 1/2 Birthday Ash, Momma loves you!