Friday, January 15, 2010

Magnificent Joy

It is a truly magnificent thing to know God's faithfulness. A pure joy to remember his His goodness.

Recently I prayed the same prayer repeatedly over and over again over the course of the last year. Did I get what I wanted, not necessarily. What happens when I don't get my way? I learn. I know now that "no" means "wait". In time I might find that: yes...I want what God desires for me but with perfect timing, I see later that He had good reason to keep me waiting. Alternately I could later learn that: no...what I wanted didn't line up with His will for my life but with His perfect timing, I see later on that he had something better planned! God can give you so much more than you even knew you wanted, and He will because he is simply a wonderful father like that.

However even in knowing God's faithfulness it remains difficult for me to sit in times of silence. It is in those times I grow troubled and weary. "In time", "Later", "Wait"-those are answers that are hard for me to live with whether it's before or after he says "yes" or "no". When God stretches that time out further out than I anticipated, my lack of understanding becomes painful.

A simple glass of water becomes the best glass of water if you drink of it when your mouth is parched. As a women, wife and mother my prayers are coming in by the truck load, God remind me of your track record, you have given me beauty through pain and a life far beyond anything I could have ever dreamt up for myself. God you are faithful, God you are good!