Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Last night Aidan lost his first tooth! I'm quite certain if Aidan were like every other child, he would have lost this particular tooth by now, it has been loose for quite some time. I'd say it's been about 6/7 months now, but Aidan is a patient boy. I'm sure in that brilliant little mind of his he though out some logical reason that prompted him to wait instead of wiggle.

Last night at tuck in time I checked the progress of his first loose tooth. It was very wiggly, in fact I was sure if he had let me wiggle and tug I would have had his tooth out that night, this scenario wasn't quite as appealing to Aidan as it was to me. I decided it was time to remind Aidan of the "tooth fairy" and his/her purpose...$. At this point, and after being tucked in herself, Paris had joined us in Aidan's room. She was disgusted by Aidan's tooth, but excited to learn about the tooth fairy. Paris asked to sleep over in her big brother's room and after we gave her the okay we tucked the two in and said "good night".

The two were obviously far to anxious to sleep because a little after 10 PM on Tuesday July, 27th 2010 Aidan came tip-toeing out of his bedroom with good news! His tooth had fallen out! He was of course concerned for the safety of his tooth, so we placed the tooth in a baggy and the placed that baggy under his pillow. Aidan was quick to fall asleep certain that the tooth fairy wouldn't come if he wasn't fast asleep. Paris on the other hand desperately wanted to wait the fairy out, she was sure if she could just stay up late enough that she'd catch the beautiful, magical tooth fairy in action. But the tooth fairy knew better than to get caught, she (it was a "she" this time) waited until both children we in a deep sleep, and left $5 for Aidan's first tooth! She also left a special note saying: "Dear Aidan, Please brush your teeth 3 times a day, thank you for the clean tooth-Tooth Fairy" It was a simple message made of simple somewhat scribbly hand writing... Aidan thought that perhaps it was a kid fairy, Paris thought perhaps the handwriting was scribbly because the pen was far too big for a little fairy hand....hmmm, I'm impressed that they both actually thought about it.

I love that the two got to share this experience together. It means so much to me as a mom when I see a healthy loving relationship developing between my children.

Here's a little fun for ya :D Aidan and I lost the same tooth first! How cool is that, except I lost mine a year earlier than he lost his! Here is a picture of me at 6 1/2 and Aidan at 7 1/2.