Aidan is one of the most compassionate people I know. Such a sweet heart that kid. I'm so proud to be his momma.
The other night as I tucked him in. I noticed him near the edge of his bed with stuffy's lined up perfectly from his side all the way to the wall. I was impressed but seriously hoped he wasn't becoming some kind of overly organized perfectionist-that would make me very sad.
So I asked him why he had his stuffy's lined up so nicely in a row between himself and the wall. He said-"It's so I can keep track of who's turn it is to sleep next to me". He said "You see Mom I rotate them". Then out of curiosity I asked "How would you feel if I put all your stuffy's in the basement and they weren't in your bed anymore"? He whimpered and pretended to start crying. I said "So you'd be hurt by that, huh", he said "Yes very much". Then we hugged.
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