Friday, January 22, 2010

Two and a Half

Lately Asher our youngest has been coming to our bed in the middle of the night. Typically I'd take any child who creep's in back to their bed IF it's happening on a regular basis. After all we don't want any bad habits developing, we need to keep this space "sacred" ;) if ya know what I mean. But here's the problem he is our youngest, and he is our last. (Unless by nothing short of a miracle Adam's vasectomy reverses itself and voila fertile myrtle here gets pregnant in which case make room in the loony bin cause I'd be moving in).

With that being said I must confess, I'm stuck on Ash. I like that he creeps into our room. I love hearing him breathe all night, I like holding his sweet little giant feet in my hands, I like snuggling close to his chubby little tummy. I like when the early morning hall light beams through the door and shines light on his perfect little face, allowing me to stare, admire and enjoy a little piece of toddler-hood that I will ever miss so much. Because let's face it teen-agers don't creep into bed with you and snuggle and really if they did I'm thinking it would be just a little awkward.

I asked myself a tough question today. If I could keep Asher at 2 1/2 forever would I? My answer is YES. Now ask me that again when he is running around the house like a mad man and perhaps I'll respond differently...perhaps. Happy 2 1/2 Birthday Ash, Momma loves you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Magnificent Joy

It is a truly magnificent thing to know God's faithfulness. A pure joy to remember his His goodness.

Recently I prayed the same prayer repeatedly over and over again over the course of the last year. Did I get what I wanted, not necessarily. What happens when I don't get my way? I learn. I know now that "no" means "wait". In time I might find that: yes...I want what God desires for me but with perfect timing, I see later that He had good reason to keep me waiting. Alternately I could later learn that: no...what I wanted didn't line up with His will for my life but with His perfect timing, I see later on that he had something better planned! God can give you so much more than you even knew you wanted, and He will because he is simply a wonderful father like that.

However even in knowing God's faithfulness it remains difficult for me to sit in times of silence. It is in those times I grow troubled and weary. "In time", "Later", "Wait"-those are answers that are hard for me to live with whether it's before or after he says "yes" or "no". When God stretches that time out further out than I anticipated, my lack of understanding becomes painful.

A simple glass of water becomes the best glass of water if you drink of it when your mouth is parched. As a women, wife and mother my prayers are coming in by the truck load, God remind me of your track record, you have given me beauty through pain and a life far beyond anything I could have ever dreamt up for myself. God you are faithful, God you are good!